verses to build your life on
Jesus said: “…
whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise
man who built his house on the rock…” ~ Matthew 7:24
A somewhat brief
study of Matthew 13
First off, Welcome, and thank you for taking the time to read this
study of Matthew chapter 13 ~ I love
having people to study the Bible with! The Bible is so exciting and it just
makes it more fun! J There’s
something so neat about being able to mention key and interesting truths we
notice and being able to bounce around thoughts and analyze them together! I’m
praying that God will use this study of Jesus’ words to minister to your heart
in a new and fresh way, as He has been already ministering to my heart, and I
look forward to hearing your thoughts on this! Jesus’ words are inspiring; some
are tough, but He communicated truths we need to hear, because He loves us and
He wants us to be ready to see Him, so that He can one day say, “Well done,
good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you
ruler over many things.” (Matthew 25:21)
Secondly, I believe that Matthew 13 is one of the most
foundational chapters in the Bible on what it means to saved:
a disciple of Jesus Christ, and as you read it, I’m sure you will see why I
believe that. In this chapter, Jesus starts clearly laying down the
understanding of the two categories of people in this world: those who
follow Christ and are saved and inherit eternal life with God forever and are a
part of His activities throughout all eternity; and those who refuse to follow Christ, and if they continue to
choose that option, they will be separated from God forever in a place called
the ‘Lake of Fire’, tormented by pain and their consciences for eternity – paying
for their own sins. Jesus also shows us how those who treasure these truths can
actually start identifying some of the clues around them, and will be able to
use the clues they see along with the teachings of Jesus to inspire and
encourage the people in their sphere of influence.
Matthew 13 is also very interesting because this chapter starts
with the first major parable [word picture] that Jesus tells the people about
the Kingdom of Heaven - His Kingdom. In Mark 4, Jesus tells His disciples that
to understand all of the rest of His parables, we must
understand what Jesus was saying in this one. So, let’s take a look at that to
see what Jesus is saying.
Most of these notes came from the best study of God’s Word I
could do, then I studied John MacArthur’s notes and Matthew Henry’s notes and
included here and there notes from other studious Bible teachers. And all of
the verses in this study were copied from 2 sources: the Libronix Digital
Library System – for more info, I encourage you to check out their website:; and
(You will notice that I pulled notes out of Pastor John
MacArthur’s study Bible and I also borrowed some notes from a few other
respected Bible teachers. Also, the majority of text I use is New King James
Version (NKJV) – it is well respected and is an accurate translation. J) And, you will
notice that I explain things in a little more extensive detail, that is to help
the younger students of God’s Word to understand, also I have found that the
more I study out the details, the more God’s Word comes alive for me! I hope
that makes sense… At least a couple of
people that have been reading these studies have been asking how they can get a
study Bible like this, etc. I highly encourage you to get Pastor John
MacArthur’s Study Bible, called ‘The MacArthur Study Bible’ (NKJV) and you can
find it at most Christian bookstores or you can order it online: It costs a little bit,
but investing in a good study Bible like this will be a huge blessing to you
for the rest of your life! I can tell you some of that from experience!)
I broke this study down into 7 parts for easier reading. I found
it to be a fascinating study and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and