Hey - a fishing update! : )
Greetings to our fellow laborers and
prayer partners in the harvest, in the name of our Master and Savior Jesus Christ.
These past 2 weeks have been very busy! God keeps
training us how to talk more about Him and helping us study His Living Word and
He keeps opening up new doors. It's exciting!
The past 2 weeks we have witnessed at malls, and we had some good
conversations. A number of people thanked us for giving them gospel tracts, apparently they just appreciated that someone would
take the time to talk to them about eternity. Death is scary to those who don't
know where they are headed, unless they are so distracted by their sin right
now too much to think about it. In those cases, we try to remind them in one
way or another - how many breaths do they have left?
By the way, 'One Heartbeat Away' tracts are very popular with most people! It
talks about the one main thing on un-saved people's brains, even if they never
talk about it. : )
(Steven's update)
One story that stands out to me was when I saw this group of youth (8 or so)
and at the mall. I went over to them and asked them if they got one of these ('101
Funniest One-liners'). They hadn't gotten one and were curious what it was. I
told them it was a gospel tract and then I quickly followed up by asking if
they knew what was on the other side of death - when we 'check out'. They
didn't really know, but they sort of did (probably hadn't thought much about
it). After I shared the gospel with them, several of them were still hungry to
know more. They were thinking that you just add Jesus to your life and then you
can go on doing whatever you want to. I had the opportunity to point out that
Jesus went through excruciating pain and suffering, taking God's wrath that we
deserve - He gave everything to offer us salvation, and He requires everything
in return. We talked some more about it. They seemed to really appreciate the
conversation. I ended it by challenging them to study the books of Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John, for themselves, to see what Jesus
really said. I also mentioned that my favorite book is Matthew because it shows
how Jesus is so to-the-point on who He is, where we
are, and how to change directions to become His followers. One of those guys'
names was Matthew - so he really appreciated the challenge/encouragement. : ) I
plan pray for them as often as I remember them. It is interesting to see how
the more you talk with people about God and His Word, the more people God
brings back to mind to pray for. And I know we appreciate people praying for us
that we will continue to grow in our hunger/passion for Jesus and His Living
Word, so that's how I pray for them too.
This past week, the spiritual warfare was pretty interesting. We had a couple
mall security stop us from sharing the gospel at the
mall, so we went to other areas. In our brain-storming session afterward, we
came to the conclusion that some places are better for just one-2-one
conversations. Conversations are fine, but apparently some people don't want us
to hand out gospel tracts. But if they ask for one - that is completely
different ~ : )
I've been studying Galatians 6:7-9, and working my way through Exodus - 2
exciting studies! And, I've been getting a better understanding of what sin
really is, and how offensive it is to God, and even better: how to explain it
clearly. I hope this little explanation will help you to be able to explain it
more clearly to others.
Sin is obviously more than a list of 'do nots'. Sin
is, at the core, a willful rebellion. Even though we know, in some form, what
is right, we, humans, all too often willfully choose to do it our own way -
rebelling against God. That's the simple of it. We know that the 10
Commandments are more than a guideline for living. They are God's standard: if
we are perfect, we can get into Heaven; if we aren't, then we are in big
trouble. Obviously we have all lied, stolen things, coveted (wanting something
that doesn't belong to us), dis-honored and dis-obeyed our dad and mom, etc. The 10 Commandments are
very useful, like that, to show their sin and to help them see how they need to
repent, learn to run from their rebellion and embrace "the love of the
truth". After we are saved, we won't just be wanting
to keep the 10 Commandments. No, what God is asking of those who choose to
follow Him, is that we learn a whole new perspective. To not
just 'not want the "bad" ', but also, for us to be learning to love
and embrace the truth, righteousness and obedience. Here are a couple
verses that I've been mentally 'chewing on'. "Let love be without
hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good." (Romans 12:9)
"Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of
evil." (1st Thessalonians 5:21-22) "Therefore, to him who knows to do
good and does not do it, to him it is sin."
(James 4:17) "... who exchanged the truth of God
for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who
is blessed forever. Amen." (Romans 1:25) "...
because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be
saved." (2nd Thessalonians 2:10) "... and did not choose the
fear of the LORD." (Proverbs 1:29)
I have found sharing this simple truth challenges those I talk with to make
sure they become a genuine follower of Christ. "But others fell on good
ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
(Matthew 13:8-9) Also, I have found that pointing out how we naturally choose
to do the rebellion, and that we don't go out of our way to do what's right -
emphasizes how, until we become followers of Christ, we are walking in willful
rebellion, and therefore it is clear how we need to take a complete u-turn and
learn to embrace the "love of the truth". Or as the apostle John puts
it: "... we walk in the light, as He is in the light." (1st John 1:7)
Thank you again to each of you who prays for us. God
continues to open His Word to us, teaching us more and more how to serve and
follow Him with all of our hearts!
your fellow laborers in His harvest,
and fellow prayer partners,
David, Barbara, Steven, and Paul