Jesus’ scars saved my life
Hey all,
There is so much to say about
this last Friday! It was probably one of the most encouraging and emboldening
nights we’ve had as a team. It was our first time joining the group at the
Graham’s house, which is where the Metro Life Church group meets for Bible
study and prayer and worship before they come down and join us on the streets.
Our topic was mainly about the fear of the Lord, which is one of our favorite
topics, because it is such an essential truth for having a relationship with
our heavenly Father, and yet the churches seem to have mostly replaced this
truth for a more comfortable and relaxed approach to fellowship with God. We
had a great discussion that I’m sure caused all of us to be more aware of how
much our Holy God is angry toward sin and rebellion, and I believe it
challenged some of us to be more bold in rescuing lost
souls from all of the lies they are told about God.
I personally tend to be a little
reluctant sometimes to inform people of God’s wrath on them because of their
rebellion. But during that Bible study I realized that sinners are aware of
God’s anger toward sin in the back of their mind; so when we dodge the subject,
they know that something is missing. Sinners know that they are only pretending
when they assume that they must be getting away with their sin. We preach
constantly that if God is a holy God, He must judge and punish sin. But does
God not feel any emotion toward sin and judgement. Of
course He does! He loves us so much and yet we turn our back on Him and make
ourselves a god, along with many other things that He created! Would that not
make our Creator angry! He designed us to have fellowship with Him, and instead
we ignore Him as if He doesn’t exist! Would that not grieve
Him! He gave us the ability to make decisions and to be creative and do things,
and we use our creativity to sin and hurt our fellow human beings and also
teach others to do the same! Will God not show His wrath on such rebellion!
Someone feels guilty and is afraid of the idea of facing a Holy God, so instead
they proclaim that God doesn’t exist and try to support Evolution to explain
away the true God who created us! Would that not cause God to be angry! Of
course, He is angry; and these people know that they are making Him angry, but
they’re trying not to think about it!
But even God’s anger is a proof
that God loves us, otherwise He would have to not care what happens to us. “The
Lord is not slack concerning His promise [to return], as some count slackness,
but is longsuffering toward us, not
willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” - 2
Peter 3:9 And we ought to challenge some sinners with
this thought - “Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and
longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?
But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart, you are
treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the
righteous judgement of God, who ‘will render to each
one according to his deeds’: eternal life to those who by patient continuance
in doing good, seek for glory, honor, and immortality; but to those who are
self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness - indignation
and wrath, tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil... but
glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good... For there is no partiality with God.” - Romans 2:4-11
All right, now I have to share
one story with you all. I teamed up with Brittany and Daniel and Caleb. There
was a different feeling downtown that night, because there were a lot of young
people like high-school and young college age, which is not typical. So my
three friends told me that they were relying on me to start up conversations,
so I immediately started working on ideas. There were a couple of bands playing
down there somewhere, which is apparently what attracted the young crowd. One
of the main ideas I used for starting conversation was to ask if there was a
concert going on somewhere. That started a couple of brief and very strange
conversations. At one point, after we had a few strange conversations, the four
of us were left standing there trying to figure out where to go next. So Daniel
suggested that we go find Rich, since he would be able to help us get
conversations going. So I paused right there, and we asked ourselves why we
would we need Rich, since we have the same Holy Spirit with us. So we agreed
that God can help us to do the same thing and that God wants to build our faith
so that He can use us in great ways too!
Shortly after that, we had the
best conversation of the night when I walked up to a group of six to eight
people and handed a few of them some ‘101 Funniest One-liners’. Their first
comments were about skydiving because of the picture on the front, and then
they started wondering if it was something religious. And then the conversation
totally changed when one of the ladies noticed my shirt. The shirt I was
wearing says, ‘body piercing saved my life’ and it has two hands on the back
with nail holes in them. So she asked me what that meant and off we went into a
conversation about God and sin and how to get to heaven. Then her friend, Diane
comes over and interrupts me, wanting to know what I’m pushing on her friend.
So I talked with Diane while Daniel and Brittany talked to the first woman.
Diane so appreciated our conversation that she kept hugging me. I challenged
her views with God’s Word and encouraged her to keep going toward God. At the
end another young friend of theirs came over and said he really respected what
we were doing and really appreciated that we cared so much, but he had some
objection. I forget what it was, but he really appreciated my response to his
objection and he thanked me for talking with them and he gave me a hug and
shook my hand as they left. It was interesting, that was for sure. Oh, by the
way, all of that took place directly in front of an entrance to one of the
clubs with several workers from that club standing right there watching the
whole thing. I could tell afterward that they found it to be very interesting!
I wish I had time to explain more, we also had a really good conversation with John who
is a hotel owner down there that we’ve talked to before! We had a great night!