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Hello and Welcome!
Greetings and welcome to our Links page. The links below are some of the ministries that we really respect. Feel free to check them out!It's a work in progress, but we're making progress! ~ : )
Friends of Israel, servants of Christ,
~The Henry Family~
US Ministries:
>> Free resources from 'Living Waters' and 'Way of the Master':
![The Way of the Master](http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy150/aservant/wotm.jpg) ~ equipping followers of Christ to more effectively communicate Jesus' message and to be able to share the gospel the way Jesus did, striving to grow in sharing His truth in the way of the Master.
Listen to 'Hell's Best Kept Secret' online:
'Hell's Best Kept Secret' audio
Listen to 'True and False Conversion' online:
'True and False Conversion' audio
Free 8 audios: Free 8 audios
Search 'Evidence Bible' for free: Evidence Bible
Other Bible Study Tools:
>> Blue Letter Bible
The Blue Letter Bible now has over 3,560,000 links onsite to over 165,000 pages of concordances, lexicons, dictionaries, commentaries, images, and Bible versions!
>> 'Grace to You'
![Grace to You](http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy150/aservant/gty-banner.png) 'Grace to You' is the radio ministry of Pastor John MacArthur. He has spent 30 hours a week study God's Word in-depth for 40 years. Pray that God keeps purifying him, teaching/training Him, and using Him. You can find his 40-years' worth of audios for free MP3 downloads, here
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Other US Ministries:
>> Mark Cahill Ministries
![Mark Cahill Ministries](http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy150/aservant/mc.jpg) Training people how to share the faithful effectively and boldly, and how to encourage/challenge their fellow brethren to do the same. ~ The question for all us to consider: do we care that people all around us are dying and going to Hell, because no one will step out of their comfort zone, relying on God's Word and wisdom to share with them? But, an even better question is, do we care enough to do something about it?... As he said to me in an email: 'There are lost people all around you. Don't let them get away...' Amen! So, let's keep growing in hunger and thirst for His Word, and in making disciples after our Master and Savior, Jesus the Messiah (Christ).
You can get a free copy of Mark's book 'One Heartbeat Away' here (Or you can click on the picture below! A fascinating book!)
!['One Heartbeat Away'](http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy150/aservant/oha.jpg)
>> Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
![Ravi Zacharias International Ministries](http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy150/aservant/rzim.jpg) Training people world-wide how to more effectively use God's logic to confound and reconcile people of all cultures, beckoning them to become passionate and effective servants of Jesus Christ.
>> Change Collegiate Network
![Change Collegiate Network](http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy150/aservant/ccn4.jpg) Training college students how to be salt and light on their campus, and how to grow in boldness in preaching His Word and message on the streets and with their peers.
>> Open Air Campaigners
![Open Air Campaigners](http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy150/aservant/oac.jpg) Training followers of Christ how to effectively preach the gospel and message of Jesus.
>> Creation Science Evangelism
Training followers of Christ how to effectively answer questions about the theory of evolution with facts and evidence, and helping them to understand the religious implications and support behind the theory of evolution.
>> Answers in Genesis
Training students on campuses across the US how to more effectively answer questions on the theory of evolution, and helping strengthen people's standing in God's Word, taking them back to Genesis.
>> Creation Ministries
Equipping followers of Christ with facts and evidence, and effective defenses for God's Word and truth.
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International Missionary Ministries:
>> Gospel for Asia
![Gospel for Asia](http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy150/aservant/gfa.jpg) Training people all across the world how to take the message of Jesus Christ back to their fellow countrymen. If you have not read Mr. K. P. Yohannan's book 'Revolution in World Missions', please order your free copy ASAP, here! It's inspiring! (or you can click on the picture below!)
!['Revolution in World Missions'](http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy150/aservant/RiWM.jpg)
>> Heartcry Missionary Society
![Heartcry Missionary Society](http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy150/aservant/hc.jpg) Training followers of Christ to live holy lives that we might be bold in communicating His message to a rebellious culture in a world full of lies and deception.
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- US News Commentary with a Christian perspective -:
>> Chuck Baldwin Live
![Chuck Baldwin Live](banners/CB-banner.gif) Reporting on important US and International events from a Biblical perspective. Please keep praying that God keeps drawing Pastor Chuck closer to Him and using him, and other God-fearing Bible-honoring and preaching evangelists, pastors, and Bible teachers.
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Jewish Ministry links:
>> Bridges for Peace
" 'Bridges For Peace is a Jerusalem-based, Bible-believing Christian organization supporting Israel and building relationships between Christians and Jews worldwide through education and practical deeds expressing God's love and mercy.'